Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country with less than 15 people per square mile. As part of my pre-wedding preparation, I had to do some Wiki-research on the country where this couple met, fell in love, and traveled from to get married at the Santa Barbara Courthouse. Graeme is Australian and Aselle is from Khazakstan and got married in the US. "It's easier," explained Graeme, at least in comparison to getting married locally.
Think wedding planning is difficult? Try planning a wedding over 6000 miles away and not knowing the date until a couple weeks before. Graeme & Aselle contacted us on Feb 2nd, flew in on Feb 5th, met me on Feb 6th, and then tied the knot on Feb 8th. Talk about a whirlwind! But the two were completely at ease over coffee and were wonderful to work with on the day of the wedding.
Since it was a weekday, the Penguin had to fly solo for our first wedding of 2012 and it was a great way to kick off our wedding season! Congrats Graeme & Aselle!